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Tag: #lovecraft

Blackhart Manor (review)

Co-creator: Marinus Reininga Co-creator and writer: Gilbert Deltrez Artist: JL Giles Call of the Void, November 2021 Why is H.P. Lovecraft so popular almost a

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The King in Yellow (review)

Creator: I.N.J. Culbard (Based on a work by Robert W. Chambers, 1895) Self Made Hero, 2015 Surely one of the sharpest comics to be published

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Forgotten Hymns #1 (review)

Writer and creator: Andrew Guilde Art: Isaac Perez PMB Comics, 2020 Schlock horror is the equivalent of eating out-of-date chocolate. You screw your nose up

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Death Kanji (review)

Writer: Jordan Patrick Finn Artist: Greg Woronchak Independently published, 2020 Death Kanji is an excellent independent publication written Jordan Patrick Finn by with art by

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