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Tag: Dynamite comics

Pumpkinhead #1 (Review)

Pumpkinhead #1 Dynamite Comics, February 2018 Writer: Cullen Bunn Pumpkinhead is a new comic book series from American publisher Dynamite Comics. It serves as a

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Z Nation #1 (review)

Z Nation #1 Dynamite Entertainment, 12 April 2017 Writer: Craig Engler, Fred Van Lente “Z Nation” is a new comic book series based on the

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Charmed #1 (Review)

Charmed #1 Dynamite Comics, 2017 Writer: Erica Schultz Much has been made in the past fortnight of the twentieth anniversary of the launch of the

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A tale most clearly from long ago

“Dejah Thoris” # 1 (review) Dynamite Entertainment, December 2015 Writer: Frank J Barbiere Review by DG Stewart, 24 February 2016 US comic book publisher Dynamite Entertainment

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