The World Hates Jimmy #1 (review)
WP Comics Ltd, October 2016
Writer: DC Johnson

John Kricfalusi is the founder of a curious, zany comedy style characterised by manic extremes of emotion and visually disgusting concepts all sitting in the vehicle of a children’s cartoon. Examples of this style range from “The Ren and Stimpy Show” (1991-1995) to “Spongbob Squarepants” (1999-present).

This title sits firmly within Mr Kricfalusi aesthetic vision, and the writer, DC Johnson, is clearly Mr Kricfalusi’s acolyte.

The protagonist, Jimmy, has a girl problem. His long-standing crush Holly is murdered in an explosion by a psychotic female classmate, who ultimately kidnaps Jimmy, coerces him into a wedding, and guilts him into armed robbery, with the two reduced living in a cardboard box. If this grim scenario was a live action television show on Netflix it would have a mature rating.

Instead this is all played out within the confines of Kricfalusi-type silly and stylised art and concepts. Holly returns, with, inexplicably, a swordfish in hand, and with a hard prod sends Jimmy’s bride literally flying to the moon. Holly then spurns Jimmy and the story ends, Jimmy suffering first torment and then humiliation, barely having left preschool.

Some of the humour is skilful: “I’ve been stalking Jimmy for thirty-six years! I’ve got tenure!” And some of it is tired and sexist: “She’s insane!” shrieks Jimmy, and his father replies, “She’s not insane! She’s a woman! There’s a difference!”

Mr Johnson clearly enjoyed himself in creating this comic. This is for fans of Mr Kricfakusi’s school of comedy.